Public Complaints

Portal Pembasmian Kemiskinan

Sunday, December 5, 2010

1st Anniversary Jamil & Norzi

Kek chocolate wallnut (RM5) dari Secret Recipe

Tarikh : 3 Disember 2010
Masa : 8 malam
Tempat : Naili's Place, Taman Dato Senu, Sentul

sizzling beef
Black paper Chicken Chop
2 scope ice-cream
Kelapa Muda
Cappuccino Ice
Mineral Water

"Bring this card to the cashier below"

Price Total : RM66.20

Komen : Secara keseluruhan Naili's Place memang cantik, romantik serta layanan pelayannya juga baik. Makanan yang dihidangkan memang sedap dan harganya berpatutan. Tetapi buat MCM yang pertama kali sampai di Naili's Place, Sentul ni, MCM rasa signboard Naili's agak kecil dan sukar dilihat terutama sekali di waktu malam. Keadaan yang gelap dan romantik ditemani dengan bunyi air landskap Naili's agak terganggu apabila MCM sedari bahawa ada nyamuk yang berterbangan. Namun MCM bagi 3 bintang untuk suasana di Naili's Place dan 4 bintang untuk makanan yang dihidangkan. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Perkembangan percakapan kanak-kanak

Bayi baru lahir — Boleh mendengar dan membezakan sama ada bunyi datang dari kiri atau kanan. Mereka akan menggerakkan kepala ke arah sumber bunyi. Bayi anda juga sepatutnya boleh memberi tindak balas kepada bunyi perlahan. Bayi mula senyum dan menunjukkan gerak balas kepada seseorang pada umur sebulan dan mengenali suara ibu bapa pada umur satu hingga 2½ bulan

Tiga hingga enam bulan — Bayi boleh meniru bunyi percakapan

Empat hingga lapan bulan — Bayi menyebut satu suku kata (contoh ba, da, ga, gu)

Lima hingga sembilan bulan — Bayi menyebut beberapa suku kata berulang-ulang (contoh bababa, lalala)

Enam hingga 10 bulan — Bayi mula menyebut perkataan mudah yang kerap didengar (emak, ayah, tak)

Lima hingga 10 bulan — Kebanyakan bayi boleh menyebut mama, dada — yang tidak hanya merujuk kepada ibu dan ayahnya

Enam hingga sembilan bulan — Kebanyakan bayi boleh mengikut atau mematuhi arahan pendek yang disertakan dengan pergerakan badan atau tangan. Contohnya meminta dia memegang objek atau tangan anda. Dalam lingkungan umur tujuh hingga 11 bulan, bayi sepatutnya boleh mematuhi arahan ringkas tanpa perlu ditunjuk dengan tangan

Tujuh hingga 12 bulan — Sudah pandai menggunakan perkataan mama, emak atau ayah dengan betul

Sembilan hingga 14 bulan — Biasanya sudah boleh menyebut satu patah perkataan (selain emak, ayah)

10 hingga 15 bulan — Sepatutnya bayi boleh menunjuk ke arah objek yang dikehendakinya

11 hingga 20 bulan — Anak anda seharusnya boleh menyebut empat hingga enam perkataan (selain emak, ayah atau nama adik beradik)

14 hingga 21 bulan — Si kecil boleh mematuhi arahan dua langkah tanpa bantuan pergerakan tangan (contoh ‘Duduk di sini dan makan’). Pada umur 14 hingga 18 bulan, dia seharusnya boleh menunjukkan dua atau lebih anggota badan dan meningkat kepada enam anggota badan pada umur 22 bulan

16 hingga 20 bulan — Kanak-kanak boleh menyuarakan kehendaknya dalam satu perkataan (jus, susu, lagi, banyak)

18 hingga 22 bulan — Si kecil sudah boleh menggabungkan dua perkataan atau ayat mudah seperti ‘hendak susu’ atau ‘mahu lagi’

16 hingga 24 bulan — Kanak-kanak seharusnya sudah boleh menguasai lebih 50 patah perkataan

19 hingga 26 bulan — Menggunakan perkataan saya, awak walaupun kadangkala terbalik. Kebanyakan kanak-kanak boleh menyebut perkataan dengan baik apabila berumur 30 bulan

24 bulan — Percakapannya boleh difahami separuh oleh orang lain atau individu yang jarang berjumpa kanak-kanak berkenaan

24 hingga 32 bulan — Boleh menamakan empat gambar

26 hingga 32 bulan — Boleh bercakap dalam dua hingga tiga ayat mudah

27 hingga 34 bulan — Boleh memahami dua arahan dalam satu ayat contohnya ‘Letak cawan di atas meja atau sebelah buku’

29 hingga 34 bulan — Boleh menamakan dan kegunaan sekurang-kurangnya dua objek. Kanak-kanak seharusnya boleh mengenali satu warna pada umur 2½ hingga 3¼ tahun dan empat warna pada umur tiga hingga 4½ tahun

Tiga tahun — Hampir 75 peratus pertuturannya boleh difahami orang yang jarang bertemu kanak-kanak ini. Pada umur ini mereka boleh menguasai lebih 250 perkataan. Pada umur empat tahun, percakapannya seharusnya boleh difahami sepenuhnya dan mampu menguasai 600 perkataan

Saringan pendengaran boleh dilakukan pakar kanak-kanak melalui satu ujian mudah (audimetri) apabila mereka boleh memberi kerjasama (biasanya selepas umur empat tahun). Kanak-kanak (dari dilahirkan hingga empat tahun) perlu berjumpa pakar pendengaran untuk ujian selanjutnya.

Jika anda fikir anak anda lewat bercakap, bawa si kecil untuk jalani ujian pendengaran. Pada masa sama kanak-kanak yang ada masalah lewat bercakap juga perlu dirujuk kepada pakar terapi pertuturan atau pakar psikologi jika perlu secepat mungkin.

Pada masa sama ibu bapa juga boleh membantu meningkatkan percakapan anak dengan:

Membaca buku kepada anak, terutama buku bergambar di mana anda boleh mengajaknya untuk menunjuk atau menamakan objek

Gunakan bahasa mudah apabila bercakap dengan anak, dibantu dengan gerak badan atau tangan. Tanya banyak soalan kepada anak. Pastikan anda ‘bercakap’ dengan si kecil dan bukan memberi arahan

Beri tindak balas segera apabila anak bercakap untuk memberi dorongan kepadanya

Ulang perkataan atau ayat anak anda dengan menambah beberapa perkataan lagi bagi memanjangkan ayat berkenaan

Sabar melayan anak dan jangan marah jika dia melakukan kesilapan. Beri masa untuk anak menghabiskan ayatnya

Jangan paksa anak bercakap.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kelebihan Sembahyang Sunat Terawih

Malam 1: Keluar dosa-dosa orang mukmin pada malam pertama sepertimana ia baru dilahirkan, mendapat keampunan daripada Allah.

Malam 2: Diampunkan dosa-dosa orang mukmin yang sembahyang terawih serta kedua ibu bapanya (sekiranya mereka orang yang beriman).

Malam 3: Berseru malaikat di bawah arasy supaya kami meneruskan sembahyang terawih terus menerus semoga Allah mengampunkan dosa engkau.

Malam 4: Memperoleh pahala ia sebagaimana pahala orang- orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan Al-Quran.

Malam 5: Allah kurniakan baginya pahala seumpama orang sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjid Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

Malam 6: Allah kurniakan pahala kepadanya pahala malaikat- malaikat yang tawaf di Baitul Makmur (70,000 malaikat sekali tawaf), serta setiap batu-batu dan tanah-tanah mendoakan supaya Allah mengampunkan dosa orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang terawih pada malam ini.

Malam 7: Seolah-olah ia dapat bertemu dengan Nabi Musa serta menolong Nabi A.S. menentang musuh ketatnya Firaun dan Hamam.

Malam 8: Allah mengurniakan pahala orang sembahyang terawih sepertimana yang telah dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim A.S.

Malam 9: Allah kurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hambanya seperti Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Malam 10: Allah S.W.T. mengurniakan kepadanya kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat.

Malam 11: Keluar ia daripada dunia (mati) bersih daripada dosa seperti ia baru dilahirkan.

Malam 12: Datang ia pada hari kiamat dengan muka yang bercahaya (cahaya ibadatnya).

Malam 13: Datang ia pada hari kiamat dalam aman sentosa daripada tiap-tiap kejahatan dan keburukan.

Malam 14: Datang malaikat menyaksikan ia bersembahyang terawih, serta Allah tiada menyesatkannya pada hari kiamat.

Malam 15: Semua malaikat yang menanggung arasy, kursi, berselawat dan mendoakannya supaya Allah mengampunkannya.

Malam 16: Allah S.W.T. tuliskan baginya terlepas daripada neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam syurga.

Malam 17: Allah kurniakan orang yang berterawih pahalanya pada malam ini sebanyak-banyak pahala Nabi-nabi.

Malam 18: Seru malaikat: Hai hamba Allah! Sesungguhnya Allah telah redha kepada engkau dan ibu bapa engkau (yang masih hidup atau mati).

Malam 19: Allah S.W.T. tinggikan darjatnya di dalam syurga Firdaus.

Malam 20: Allah kurniakan kepadanya pahala sekelian orang yang mati syahid dan orang-orang solihin.

Malam 21: Allah binakan sebuah istana di dalam syurga daripada Nur.

Malam 22: Datang ia pada hari kiamat aman daripada tiap-tiap dukacita dan kerisauan (tiada dalam keadaan huru-hara di padang Mahsyar)

Malam 23: Allah S.W.T. binakan kepadanya sebuah bandar di dalam syurga daripada Nur.

Malam 24: Allah buka peluang dua puluh empat doa yang mustajab bagi orang yang berterawih pada malam ini (elok sekali berdoa ketika dalam sujud).

Malam 25: Allah Ta’ala angkatkan daripadanya siksa kubur.

Malam 26: Allah kurniakan kepada orang berterawih pahala pada malam ini seumpama empat puluh tahun ibadat.

Malam 27: Allah kurniakan kepada orang berterawih pada malam ini ketangkasan melintas atas titian Siratal Mustaqim seperti kilat menyambar.

Malam 28: Allah S.W.T. kurniakan kepadanya seribu darjat di akhirat.

Malam 29: Allah S.W.T. kurniakan kepadanya pahala seribu kali haji yang mabrur.

Malam 30: Allah S.W.T. beri penghormatan pada orang berterawih pada malam terakhir ini yang teristimewa sekali, lalu berfirman yang bermaksud: Hai hambaKu! Makanlah segala jenis buah-buahan yang engkau ingin makan di dalam syurga dan mandilah engkau daripada air syurga yang bernama Salsabila, serta minumlah air daripada telaga yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang bernama Al-Kauthar.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jangan Lupa Besok untuk menyemak qiblat dengan tepat

Arah Qiblat boleh disemak dengan tepat ketika Istiwa A'zam
Penentuan arah qiblat yang tepat sangat penting kerana ia merupakan antara syarat sah solat samada solat fardhu atau sunnat.  Jadi ummat ISLAM mesti memastikan kedudukan arah qiblatnya tepat mengadap Ka’bah.
Alhamdulillah, setiap tahun ada 2 waktu yang telah ALLAH subhanahu wata’ala tentukan kedudukan matahari betul-betul tepat di atas Ka’bah.  Fenomena ini dipanggil Istiwa A’zam (Istiwa Utama).
Alhamdulillah, dengan ketentuan ALLAH ‘Azza wa Jalla ini, membolehkan ummat ISLAM di seluruh muka bumi sejak dahulu hingga hari kiamat memeriksa dan menyemak arah qiblat dengan mudah dan tepat. SubhanALLAH…

Bilakah Istiwa A’zam berlaku?

Di Malaysia, waktu berlakunya fenomena ini ialah pada:
  • 28 MEI setiap tahun, tepat pukul 5.16 petang, dan
  • 16 JULAI setiap tahun, tepat pukul 5.28 petang.
Ihsan Falak Online

Apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk menyemak qiblat dengan tepat?

  • Pastikan jam yang selalu dibuat rujukan oleh tuan/puan mengikuti waktu piawai yang tepat.  Untuk menentukan ketepatan waktu, tuan/puan boleh memeriksanya dengan SIRIM atau boleh juga merujuk kepada waktu yang terpapar di televisyen atau radio.  Ketepatan waktu yang mengikut piawai adalah penting untuk mendapat hasil yang betul.  Justeru, betulkan jam tuan/puan mengikut waktu piawai yang betul.
  • Cari objek lurus yang keras seperti batang kayu, tiang atau pen.
  • Pacakkan objek tersebut secara menegak (bersudut 90°) di atas permukaan yang rata.
  • Pastikan bayang-bayang yang terhasil dari objek tersebut jelas boleh dilihat dengan terang dan jelas.
  • Dan pastikan juga tuan/puan boleh melihat matahari dari kedudukan tempat tuan/puan pacakkan objek lurus tersebut dan tidak terlindung.
  • Tunggu dengan sabar waktu yang disebutkan di atas.
Ketika peristiwa ini berlaku:
  • Perhatikan bayang-bayang yang terhasil dari objek lurus yang dipacakkan tersebut.
  • Arah qiblat adalah arah yang bertentangan dengan jatuhnya bayang-bayang itu.  (Rujuk gambar di atas)
  • Tandakan arah qiblat.
  • Yakinlah bahawa itu merupakan arah qiblat yang tepat.
  • Bersyukurlah kepada ALLAH subhanahu wata’ala yang telah memberikan peluang untuk tuan/puan memeriksa arah qiblat melalui kaedah ini.
  • Hadapkanlah tubuh tuan/puan ke arah qiblat tersebut dengan penuh khusyuk ketika solat fardhu dan sunnat.
Mudah-mudahan perkongsian ini bisa memberikan manfaat buat tuan/puan yang mahu mengambil manfaat.  Sebarkan, insyaALLAH…

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What is GTP All About?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Government Transformation Programme (GTP)

The Government Transformation Programme (GTP) was introduced by the Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak in April 2009 and is led by him. The objective of GTP is two-fold – first, to transform the Government to be more effective in its delivery of services and accountable for outcomes that matter most to the rakyat; and second, to move Malaysia forward to become an advanced, united, and just society with high standards of living for all. This is in line with the national mission of achieving Vision 2020 - for Malaysia to become a fully developed nation.

The six National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) identified to spearhead the Government's transformation are:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Penang Bridge

The Penang Bridge was officially opened to traffic on September 14 1985. With a total length of 13.5 km, the Penang Bridge is one of the longest bridges in the world as well as a national landmark. Currently, the Penang Bridge is being expanded from 4 lanes to 6 lanes to accommodate the increasing traffic on the bridge while a second link between Penang Island and the mainland has been approved under the 9th Malaysia Plan. The widening work project is expected to cost RM585mil and is slated for completion by June 2008. The widened brige will have a new lane on each side comprising a 2m-wide lane for motorcycles and a 3.5m-wide lane for other vehicles. The number of toll booths will also be increased from 13 to 25.

It took 40 years for the dream of building a bridge to link Penang Island to the mainland to become a reality. Even as early as 1940's, there was traffic congestion on the old ferry terminal.

According to Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, former Chief Minister of Penang, "The authorities considered expanding the ferry service. They also considered having another ferry terminal at another point, or building an island-mainland linkage either with a bridge or a tunnel. As far as I remember, ever since I have been in public life, the question of a linkage with the mainland had been mooted and there were proponents for the bridge, for the tunnel and for another ferry terminal.

"From the late 1950s onwards, there were more people in favour of the bridge."
In the late 1960s, the bridge concept was given added impetus because there was a feeling that Seberang Prai, the mainland part of Penang State, was being neglected in terms of development. When the Gerakan victory swept Tun Dr Lim into power in 1969, the bridge project was pushed ahead because it was in line with the party's election manifesto. However, nothing materialised, and the bridge project became a standing joke at every general election.

It was another decade before any concrete step towards constructing the bridge was to take form. As the eighties roll in, the government of Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamed pushed forward the project. On April 10, 1981, then Utilities Minister Datuk S. Samy Velu announced that the Government was considering two different designs for the bridge - the steel-tied arch in the style of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the cable-stayed concrete girder of the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge.

The decision to go with the latter design was announce on 23 July 1981. At that time, the price tag for the bridge was $629 million (yes, at that time, we were still using the $ sign instead of RM). Two months later, the price has been revised upwards to $744 million. It was projected that 50,000 people will use the bridge every day, or about 20 million a year. In April 1982, Dr Mahathir sank the first pile and the dream got closer to coming true.

Between 1981 and 1985, the people of Penang waited eagerly as the bridge took shape over the horizon. Finally on April 13, 1985, Penang island ceased being an island when it was physically linked to the mainland for the first time with the laying of the final slab of the bridge. By the time the finishing touches were put in place, around mid August, 1985, the Federal Government has spent $850 million on the bridge, of which $525 million was for the bridge itself, $180 million for the interchanges on the Prai side, and $28.7 million for land reclamation.

The bridge has an overall length of 13.5km (8.4 miles), with 8.4km over water. The four towers in mid span his 101.5 metres tall, and the bridge is 33 metres above water. The total length of piling for the bridge is 648km, equal to the distance from Butterworth to Johor Bahru. The bridge can withstand earthquake up to 7.5 on the Richter scale.

More than 2300 people were involved in the construction, including about 800 South Koreans from the main contractor, Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd. Twenty workers died in the construction, with the worst tragedy occuring on October 20, 1984 when five were killed when a crossbeam collapsed.

On Saturday, August 3, 1985, Dr Mahathir drove across the bridge in a red Proton Saga, bringing two national dreams to reality. By his side was Datin Seri Dr Siti Hasmah and in the back seat were Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, then Works Minister Datuk S. Samy Vellu and Proton Chairman Tan Sri Jamil Jan.

Finally, on Sunday, September 15, 1985, the Yang di-Pertua Negeri, Tun Dr Awang Hassan, opened the bridge to the public and became its first user.

Some details about the bridge

Overall length: 13.5km or 8.4 miles, of which 8.4km is over the South Channel.
Length of the Penang Island approach: 1.5km
Length of the Prai approach: 3.6km
Height of the four main towers above water: 101.5m
Maximum height of bridge above water at main span: 33m
Length of main span: 225m
Length of end span: 107.5m
Length of other spans: 40m
Speed limit on the bridge: 80kph

Today 70,000 people use the Penang Bridge daily, with the number exceeding its full capacity of 100,000 on some days. Already plans are afoot to construct a Second Link, from Batu Maung on Penang Island to Batu Kawan on the Prai side. The project, which will be even longer than the present bridge, is expected to commence in 2006, under the 9th Malaysia Plan, and construction is expected to take five years. Until then, the Penang Bridge will continue to be the beloved longest link in Malaysia.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why do Malaysian introduce GST?

The introduction of GST in Malaysia at this initial stage is not meant for revenue but the most important thing is to put the system in place first so that all the inherent witnesses under the current tax system could be address. However, experience of other countries show that GST will enhance tax compliance and this will eventually lead to a higher revenue collection to the government.

Just to get a revenue neutral and Cabinet decided to fix the GST rate at 4%

the Government does not want to burden the people with high GST rate
To minimise the GST impact on the price of goods and services especially on goods and services which is consumed by the lower income group.
With GST rate of 4%, the CPI impact is - 0.1%

Friday, January 15, 2010


Malaysian citizen consists of various races and religions need to consider themselves as a nation of Malaysia to think and act towards achieving a goal. Consistent with this, the existing unity between the people gone in this country should be further strengthened to create a more peaceful country atmosphere, advanced, secure and prosperous.

1Malaysia concept introduced by Malaysia Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak, the Prime Minister, is a timely step with environment and people's taste. This concept is in line with what is stipulated in the Federal Constitution and the Fundamental Principles of

1Malaysia's aspiration to improve relations bring people to ensure that people of Malaysia can establish a closer unity. Basic things that need to be established in the sense of unity is respect, sincerity and mutual trust between people. 1Malaysia will also establish a government that prioritizes the achievement of the people as a priority slogans which the Prime Minister that' people first, preferred Achievement '.

1Malaysia leadership and the people who need high integrity. Impartiality, ability, so to speak, transparent, honest and trust is very important to implement the responsibility to the nation.

1 Malaysia need smart leaders who understand and interpret a given task. Leaders committed to excellence and accordingly have a high ability in planning, organizing strategies, assess performance and timeliness in providing the best service to the people.

Determination and commitment to duties and responsibilities of the foundation or the most powerful weapon in achieving a success. Country needs people who are dedicated and committed to perform the duties and responsibilities with full commitment, determination and motivated by the interests and advancement.

Malaysia also needs leaders with friendly people and willing to sacrifice time, energy and financial and personal interests aside by the Malaysian nation. Leaders who work with full dedication and sincere hearts will be supported and respected by all levels of society.

All people need to satisfy the interests and loyalty to country above loyalty to people and groups themselves. This country is a country for all citizens, regardless of race, religion, culture and political belief. All people need to consider that their nation is Indonesia, where everything should be enjoyed together. Malaysia is a country where there is no community or people who will enjoy the marginalized from the development and defense of government.

1 Malaysia is the catalyst to the creation of a nation that can build Malaysia as a country that has the attitude of equality and belonging among the people. Capacity building nation depends on the value of partnership, integrity, ability, dedication and loyalty.

Leaders and citizens need to understand and appreciate the value of eight 1Malaysia, the culture of excellence, tenacity, humility, acceptance, loyalty, meritocracy, education and integiti.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Gadgets effects diarrhea virus wins major award

Senior Lecturer Faculty of Health Sciences and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Dr. Zuridah Hassan steal Award Page Design, Innovation and Design UiTM (IID 2010) through the production tool known as "Rono Site" which can detect Rotavirus and Norovirus.

Dr. Zuraidah said initially he made the study of the device to detect when Rotovirus participate in research programs under the World Health Organization (WHO) for three months in Melbourne, Australia from June to August 2008.

"Returning to my homeland to continue the study of the Norovirus virus detection tools and creating diarrhea in a two, Rono Site for Rotavirus and Norovirus," he said after accepting the award at the awards ceremony, presented IID 2010 Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Fadillah Yusof here today.

He said the device is still used in the medical field and the Ministry of Health so far only approved the use of tools to detect Rotavirus.

Monday, January 11, 2010

AJL 24

Kuala Lumpur, 10 January 2010 to 14 great songs! 13 popular artists Malaysia! Who will take home a trophy at night Juara Lagu Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-24 is? A total of 14 songs by 13 artists competing popular solo and group vocal showcase the greatness of their songs put in steady motion created by the composer-famous composers and lyrics writers. Uniquely, this song contest is no longer subject to specification and category Ektik Creative Commons, and Balada Pop / Rock. This year, all of them only have one goal, namely to fierce trophy Anugerah Juara Lagu 24. Each grand prize presented by the Minister of Information Communication and Culture Malaysia, Dato 'Seri Utama Dr.. Rais Yatim and his wife, Datin Seri Rais triggered while accompanied by the Chief Executive Group Network Television Media Prima Berhad, Datuk Sri Farid Ridzuan.

Aizat shows the greatness of the song "Pergi" to number 24 won Juara Lagu and the song "Kau Aku" won for Best Presentation at the Anugerah Juara Lagu ke-24 delivered by the Minister of Information Communication and Culture Malaysia, Dato 'Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim and his wife, Datin Seri Rais triggered while accompanied by the Chief Executive Group Network Television Media Prima Berhad, Datuk Sri Farid Ridzuan.

Yuna (left) Vice Juara Lagu ke 24, Aizat (center) Juara Lagu ke 24 and Best Performance, Black (center) and Best Vocal Faizal (right), Third Place Juara Lagu ke 24.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New curriculum for 2011

A new primary school curriculum will be introduced in 2011, with fewer subjects and a more interactive teaching approach.
The new curriculum, called Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah or KSSR, will see some subjects combined, and new ones created with themes on nationhood and patriotism.

It will apply to national and vernacular schools.

It is learnt that modules will be used to teach pupils in place of textbooks.

KSSR will be introduced in Year One next year, and advance through primary school together with the pupils as they go up to the next level of education.

At the same time, KIA2M or the Early Intervention Programme for Reading andWriting — introduced in 2006 to ensure all pupils can read and write by the end of their primary school years — will be abolished.

Education director-general Tan Sri Alimuddin Mohd Dom told the New Sunday Times that the KSSR would represent a “transformation in education”.

It will not replace the present New Primary School Curriculum or KBSR but exist alongside it.

“KSSR’smain aimis to strengthen the command of Bahasa Malaysia and English among primary school pupils.

“The teaching and learning approach will be more interactive and interesting, especially for the teaching of the two languages in line with the Education Ministry’s policy to strengthen both languages as the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English comes to an end that year. ” Alimuddin said teachers were being prepared for the KSSR.

On the scrapping of the KIA2M, Alimuddin said it was not because it was unsuccessful.

“It is more because of situational circumstances. With the onset of the KSSR in 2011, the need for an intervention programme such as the one offered through KIA2M is no longer relevant.

“This is because the learning and content standards that are outlined in KSSR are specifically aimed towards ensuring pupils acquire basic literacy skills by the end of Year 3.” This is also in line with the second National Key Result Areas (NKRA) for the ministry —to ensure all primary school pupils have basic literacy skills after three years of formal schooling.

Also to be introduced next year, said Alimuddin, is the National Standard-Based Preschool Curriculum (KSPK) for five and six-year-olds.

“This curriculum will be used by all preschools in the country, whether they are government pre-schools, those operated by agencies such as the Community Development Department (Kemas), Tadika Perpaduan, or privately- run.

“This is to ensure the aspirations, principles and aims inherent in the curriculum are captured by all pupils through the education they receive at that level.” He said this would also help the ministry realise its first NKRA, which is to ensure 87 per cent pre-school enrolment by 2012.

The KSPK, said Alimuddin, would also involve a new approach in teaching and learning.

“More music and singing would be incorporated into the syllabus.

“More time would also be allocated for English.”

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