Many advantages working with the public sector and because of advantages is why so many people apply for job vacancies advertised in the public sector. Among the advantages that you can as a civil servant, is:
1.Allowance housing
Yes, you can be on the housing allowance each month. Do not worry more to pay monthly rent your home because this allowance will definitely help.
2.Cost of living allowance (COLA)
You work in a city that is high standard of life? It is all expensive, from bus fares, food, tolls and other - other. Did you know that the COLA is paid based in the city where you work?
3.Remuneration permanent civil service (Itka)
You as civil servants, have a specially provided special benefits for you. This is an appreciation for them that was serving the country.
4. Salary increase each year
You serve the government, will surely have your annual salary increase. More long you served, the higher you will get salary increases. Of course you find difficult to increase this where - where besides the public sector.
5. Loan facility and vehicle computer
You want to create a computer loan or car loan? With lightning fast as you can get.
6. Annual leave in accordance with qualifications
Did you know that leave is given the most minimal of 14 days was am employee. If you berjawatan professional, you leave is 25 days. Is not mixed with another increase in annual leave and promotion.
7. Maternity leave
Do not worry - worry if you feel you / the house you need to take maternity leave 2 months. Of course it is given by way of salary continues!
8. Housing loans
Yes, you can start to have the largest asset in your life, which is home! In a short time, you can start making loans to buy 'bungalow' you desire.
9. EPF or pension contributions
You choose where you'd like. EPF or retire? Second - both have their own advantages. So, do not worry about the future you again ..
10. Retire at age 58 years
So long you served in the government .. If outside, whether you will be given the opportunity to serve for that?
11. Promotion opportunities
Who don't want move up? Move up meaning increased salary.
12. Opportunities for further studies
Wah! Connect the learning opportunities it provided. great tu! And for your information, you will also be sponsorship opportunities for connecting your lessons. Of course this good was 1001 you and the government.
13.Opportunity for the course from time to time
Perhaps every month you will be sent to the course. Of course a lot of knowledge that you learn from free support by the government. If you attend their own course, near the 4 digits you also need to pay a year.
14. More time spent with family
Yes, now you'll have more time with family life than before. And your family love you more sober Wah! So many advantages if we work with this government.